The berries are up, well most of them anyway. We did lose some over the winter, and all the wishing and watching still a few didn’t pull through. But the percentage is fairly low. It is really amazing when you consider the clay soil and the snow pack this winter that those little plants, much like any bedding plants you’d get in any flat would survive the winter.
It’s been an up and down summer emotionally with the berries. They’re looking wonderful, then all the rain and some of them are standing in water in the low areas. We haven’t fertilized like we’d planned because they simply don’t need any more water. Here it is August 1st and we’ve only fertilized once. Not what we’d planned. But they just haven’t needed more moisture!
Today we finished putting up our “surprise fencing”. The neighbors have had really good luck keeping deer out of their garden with fishing line strung around it. So we strung A LOT of fishing line. We fenced in both patches. Hoping that when our little Bambi friends try to go grazing they hit the lines and are so surprised they are scared off. Giving the plants a little break from the deer anyway. Now the rabbits, I guess that’s up to Sasha and Abe.
Fogles Organic Aronia Berries – A Homegrown Super Food!