Almost There…

Today we pruned, AGAIN.  We are nearly finished pruning 1800+/- plants in Field 4.  What we are finding makes us sick one moment and tickled pink the next.  The Aronia Melanocarpa bushes are such hardy plants, we know we made a good choice planting them.  It seems that the bushes most damaged by the 17-year cycle of Cicadas seem to have sent out the most new shoots last summer.  HOORAY!  Because now as we’re cutting them way off to trim out the damage, we are still hopeful they will be productive, if not this year, in the future.

Yet it still hurts to have to cut the top out of a bush that is as big around as your thumb but has been chewed almost in half and eggs laid in a portion of the stem 2-3″ long.  So much damage that when the bush tries to produce fruit, it will be so weakened, the branch could not sustain the weight or the production.

As we are pruning, we feel it is somewhat of an analogy for our lives.  Just this past week, Woody had angioplasty to open two arteries in his heart.  One artery had a stint inserted to help keep it open.  We have led a life full of ups and downs, much like our roller coaster week last week.  We have been pruned to make us stronger too.  Just like the hardy berries, the Fogle’s are a hardy bunch too.  We have been pruned and grown closer, stronger, and healthier.  In fact, this week marks our 37th year of marriage.  Pretty good for the pair most unlikely to succeed.