
As we sit here in Central Iowa and watch the weird weather, we are preparing for the coming year.  The warm, warm late winter has encouraged the leaves to begin appearing on the Aronia plants.  Yes, we all loved the warm weather and we were all outside, but we knew it was too early.

We’ve been learning about chilling units, chill hours, etc.  The time the Aronia plants need to “sleep” in the winter.  Seems like the magic number is somewhere around 1000-1200 hours and then buds begin to burst.  The problem may be when this happens too early (like this year) we all hold our breath that a late freeze won’t ruin crop production by freezing off or frosting the precious flower buds which eventually become our crop.   Maybe you have a fruit tree that the same thing happens too occasionally.   Mother Nature is in charge!

We’re also preparing for the coming year in other ways.  Planning for the Warren County Farm Tour begins in earnest tomorrow.  Mark your calendars for August 28!  We will be having a U-Pick operation here that day and hope many visitors will enjoy the berries, recipes and products we will have on hand.

So as we “weather” the cold tonight, we will still be thinking berries!