Meet the Fogle’s in the Field

IMG_9765_smallIMG_9846_smallA few weeks ago when the Aronia berries were in full bloom, we decided to have a family photo taken.  Our family has grown, as have the berries, since we first began blogging about our Aronia plantation.

Those three little beauties in the top picture love to help Grandpa and Grandma.  Anytime they hear that mower turn on, the oldest ones know it’s time for a ride.  Sometimes we even hitch up a utility trailer and go for “wagon rides”.  The beautiful blonde was pictured helping plant berries when she was a toddler.  Now she’s nearing 7 and can explain all about Aronia berries.  The middle one would just as soon have a handful of purple and a stained face about harvest time.  She loves eating right off the bush, as does Abe, our Rottweiler.  Aggie, his little sidekick, hasn’t had the chance to enjoy Aronia except in dog treats.   Abe and Aggie are our “critter control”.  The whole family has helped plant berries and we rely on our son’s horticulture degree and farming experience for advice and muscle from time to time.

We recall the days spent planting those little 4″ twigs and wishing and wondering how they’d grow.  Now look at the beautiful bushes over 6′ tall in some areas.  As you walk between the rows, it’s like being in another place.  They are truly a beautiful addition to our property.  We wish you could have seen the beautiful flowers and smelled the aroma of Aronia in bloom along with us that evening.   Now we tend, wait, and watch for late August and a bumper crop of berries.