AntiOxidant Punch!

It’s definitely cold and cough season in Central Iowa!  Around our house the grandchildren have all had ear infections, croup or just a crummy cold/cough.   Their parents have had sinus and ear infections and Woody even caught the crud and ended up with sinus infection.  BUT…guess who just has a little evening tickle and cough?  Why?

I’ve been drinking or using more Aronia each day for the past month when all the snotting, sneezing and hacking started around our house.   In cereal or oatmeal, in soups, on salads, you name it, I have it with Aronia.  One of my most recent creations is to juice some berries and use about 2 oz of juice in a glass of orange juice.  It’s also a great icee if you zap the oranges and berries and ice in the Vitamix!   I call it my Antioxidant Punch:)

The powerful punch of our little purple berries packs a knock-out for virus germs so prevalent right now.  See for yourself!