Harvest Time


Harvest Time

As we walked the fields this summer cutting out volunteer trees and pulling weeds, I think of a conversation I had with a very, very intelligent gentleman. The jest of it was I was tired of pulling weeds, messing with poison ivy, battling bugs, and cutting the same trees out year after year in the heat and humidity that is summer in Iowa. He explained about the products he’s developed that seem to help folks with inflammation, digestive diseases, poor immune functions. Real people with real stories who have been helped by the organic Aronia berries. Some of the stories were amazing. He ended it with “If you think about the people these are really helping, you can pull a few more weeds.”

So as we headed out to the fields to harvest we thought of that remark once again. We harvested, hoping to help a few more.

If word really was out about the health potential of these, they would be flying off shelves everywhere. Yet, even this year there are growers who are again feeding healthy wildlife because the market hasn’t caught up with production. That’s so sad because we know the healthy benefits are real.

At the end of the harvest, we ended up with a little over 6,000 lbs. We couldn’t have done it without the help of our friends and family.