What’s It Called Again?

Aronia!  We’ve researched and decided in 2009 to begin an organic aronia plantation on our acreage.

“Why?”  and “What’s it called again?” are the most frequent questions we get.  The aronia berries are a very high anti-oxidant fruit crop which is native to this area.  They are very hardy, tolerant, and pest-resistant.  For us they are a good choice because they can be raised organically with little maintenance.  They do not have to be grown on trellises like many of the grape vineyards in the area, and they do not need to be sprayed.   Which is perfect for me and all my sensitivities.  They are more valuable if grown organically, again a perfect fit for us.  They take a while to establish, so not everyone has the patience to grow them.  Yet when they come to fruition, they can be very profitable.  And they taste good!

They are also beautiful in the spring with their white flowers, have gorgeous fall color as the leaves turn a beautiful burgundy, and the berries are a deep purple and come on in the early fall.   They are not tempermental when it comes time for harvesting and you have approximately a six-week window for harvest.   We are looking forward to our acreage changing from season to season and being productive.  We also see the real value in healthy, organic food.