Tag Archives: Fogle’s Organic Aronia Berries

The Healthiest Berry You’ve Never Heard of

Let me explain…very few people have heard of an Aronia Berry. I encourage you to do your research after seeing this. You’ll find they’re the healthiest berry you’ve never heard of! Aronia Berries are twice as high in antioxidants than blueberries, higher in fact than grandma’s Elderberries!

If you scroll through our site, you’ll see lots of reasons folks would want to consume Aronia berries every day. We do. Why? For example recently two people I spend time with came down with COVID. I didn’t ever get it. I haven’t had the flu in years. My allergies make me prone to sinus infections which I used to get twice a year like clockwork, haven’t had one in a couple years. We don’t get the grandkids’ crud:).

My husband, who is 87, goes to the doctor, they want to know how he looks so good and is doing so much. He has three doctors now who have purchased berries and believe in them.

Why should you try Aronia?

We have folks who use our Aronia products to help with high cholesterol, Chron’s, IBS, regulate blood sugar, promote regularity, and more than a few who “just feel better”.

Don’t take our word for it, if you’re serious about feeling better without all the pills, visit MyAroniaBerry.com and give Aronia a try. Why else would someone eat something called a “chokeberry”? They’ve were used by native Americans for their medicinal value. Granted, they aren’t as sweet as a blueberry, but you can handle 14-18 per day to get the antioxidant boost you need daily.

Freeze dried Aronia berries (or the frozen berries) are great tossed in trail mix, fudge (see the recipe), yogurt, overnight oats, cereals, meatballs, chili, soups and in salads.

We have some who call the Immune Syrup “Magic Juice”. Teachers especially love the stuff. They don’t succumb to the little germ factories they are in touch with with on a daily basis.

Aronia powder is awesome in energy drinks, lemonade, coffee, water, orange juice, soups and smoothies. Aronia powder is ground so fine, I like it in a carrier oil on my skin instead of an expensive lotion. It’s full of vitamin C, E, and resveratrol. You will find our Aronia powder more expensive than some. Why? You’re getting the full berry and all the nutritional value, not just the leftovers after juicing. We also take great care with a unique process that doesn’t heat up the berries when grinding. Again, preserving all the nutritional value!

If you’re a smoothie lover, you owe it to yourself to give Aronia berries a try. Use a protein? Try our A2 Immune Builder, it’s got the power of Aronia and the protein of A2 goat whey. It’s done amazing things for so many. Everything from building up weightlifters and grandma’s muscles, to calming stomach issues, and even helping eliminate age spots in some folks. We think it’s about as close to mother’s milk as possible. Helping with so many different facets of health.


Interested in giving Aronia a try? Head on over to MyAroniaBerry.com to find yours. We look forward to sending some your way!

Strawberry aronia goodness

The cooler weather is settling upon us in central Iowa, snow is even predicted. So what to do on a cool Sunday afternoon, cook! I wish you could smell our house today. The simmering strawberries and aronia berries release a fresh, sweet, comforting fragrance that makes your mouth water. I’m creating Strawberry/Aronia Fruit Spread. I will have it available at the Holiday Showcase in Carlisle next Saturday. I always have some on hand to share with friends and it makes a great gift. Pure goodness in a half pint for $5.

Leave a comment if you’d like to purchase yours.


I have been remiss in adding to the blog this spring. We’ve been so busy catching up with things we didn’t get done last year due to health reasons, I’m running way behind!

The berries have lots of beautiful little berries. Even the bushes that we trimmed back too 8″ a year ago in March are loaded with berries and are about five foot tall. It’s amazing to us how resilient the Aronia berries are.

In my spare time I’ve been making Aronia Cayenne Sauce and Strawberry Aronia Fruit Spread. Two of our favorite ways to share the Aronia goodness with others. I plan to take the Fruit Spread and Aronia Cayenne Sauce to the What Cheer Flea Market this weekend. Yet another attempt to educate folks on the wonderful benefits and flavors of Aronia!

AntiOxidant Punch!

It’s definitely cold and cough season in Central Iowa!  Around our house the grandchildren have all had ear infections, croup or just a crummy cold/cough.   Their parents have had sinus and ear infections and Woody even caught the crud and ended up with sinus infection.  BUT…guess who just has a little evening tickle and cough?  Why?

I’ve been drinking or using more Aronia each day for the past month when all the snotting, sneezing and hacking started around our house.   In cereal or oatmeal, in soups, on salads, you name it, I have it with Aronia.  One of my most recent creations is to juice some berries and use about 2 oz of juice in a glass of orange juice.  It’s also a great icee if you zap the oranges and berries and ice in the Vitamix!   I call it my Antioxidant Punch:)

The powerful punch of our little purple berries packs a knock-out for virus germs so prevalent right now.  See for yourself!

Almost Harvest Time

The summer is winding down, the Iowa State Fair begins this week, and before you know it school will be starting.   Must mean Aronia berry harvest is right around the corner.   The fields have gone from barren, to beautiful white blooms, to being filled with almost black berries now.  We’re taste testing and using the refractometer to know when the flavor is at its peak of perfection and nutrition.

Here at our farm, and at farms across Iowa, many Aronia growers will be hosting folks to pick their own berries this year.  Why should you?   If you look back through some of these posts, you will see many, many reasons to stock your freezer with these healthy little gems.   The studies are proving their benefits in so many health issues.

We eat them in so many ways.  The other night for example we had them in salad, salad dressing, and in a sauce to be used on the pork chops.  Why?  Of course they’re free here and we have them all year round, but let me tell you what happened when my husband went to the pain specialist recently.   Yes he has osteoarthritis terribly from several orthopedic surgeries (he should almost be bionic by now), but the pain doctor said for his age (82) he’s in really good shape compared to many and looked good.  Her question was why.  He said we’d been eating the Aronia berries for about the last 8 years.  She was going to get some.  It was proof enough for her.   He recently had blood work done again.  His results are always really good.  We know why.

This little lady is one of the other reasons why…

So watch here for times and dates to pick your own.   Spend a little time in nature, plan to bring the family, stock the freezer, we’ll teach you how to use them.  We’ll all be glad you did!

So Just What Do You Do With Those Berries?

I hear this question all the time.   Right now is the perfect time to answer that question.  Woody just had a hip replaced and I’m fighting a terrible cold after being with him in the hospital and having a weakened immune system, it was bound to catch me.   But, we know that our little purple powerhouse berries are anti-viral, so we load up with their vitamins and nutrients to push thru and recover.  We even boosted our intake prior to surgery!

Here’s now we use have been using them.  I like smoothies for breakfast and mine are always purple!  Woody prefers Aronia jelly or berries in oatmeal or pancakes.

For lunch, I just toss Aronia berries in chef salads.  Today I’m having them in my vegetable beef soup and salad.

We eat them in all sorts of baked goods as you can see on the recipe section.  The kids love them in the cookies, Woody loves the BananAronia bread or the Pear Aronia bread.

For dinner, I use them in meatloaf, meatballs, and in chili.  Often times I mix them with apples or pears to make a sauce for pork chops or chicken.  Sometimes you can even spice the sauces up with cayenne or creole seasonings for an interesting twist.

We also press them and drink the juice!  It’s good with a bit of 7-Up, Sparkling Water, Lemonade, Ginger Ale, or Woody’s been known to mix it in with a little Captain and Coke!  But to be fair, he puts some berries in with his coffee grounds occasionally too.  There are so many, many uses you just have to be creative!

Whew! Settling in the Deep Freeze

What a better way to spend a frigid afternoon than catching up on a few things…  It’s good Aronia Berries need a cold season.  We’re sure getting it now!

After a long fall and exciting preparation for the holidays, things are finally settling down a bit and I can once again re-focus.  We’ve been busy making White Chocolate Aronia Fudge, Strawberry Aronia Fruit Spread all fall.  We hope those who received some as Christmas gifts thoroughly enjoyed theirs!  We’re always looking for new ways to use Aronia and trying to expand our market, and acquaint folks with the powerful purple berries! IMG_0003

We even spent a little time away from the farm in southwest Florida for the holidays with family and shared information about Aronia with folks at farmers’ markets there!  It was fun, they were sharing information about a fruit juice full of anti-oxidants and how good anti-oxidants were for you.  We told them we knew a little something about that!  Because Aronia is a “super food” with their high ORAC score.

Aronia Berries Available in Stores

Earlier this month we placed Fogle’s Aronia Berries in several local grocery stores.  We are so excited to be able to make these healthy berries more accessible.  We’ve enjoyed greeting folks and talking Aronia at local stores as we share how tasty they can be.  So if you’re checking out our page here, we welcome you!  We hope you’ll investigate for yourself the benefits of Aronia, check out our Recipes page, and learn more about our favorite superfood.file-feb-21-5-21-12-pm

Another Aronia Berry Hurdle Cleared

Today we became official!  We have become a licensed processing plant.  What used to be our garage has been turned into a facility to process foods.  We have plans to package and sell our certified organic Aronia Berries online, to customers, and stores.  A Preview of our Label

Another step toward sharing these little purple gems with others!