Tag Archives: Fogle’s Organic Aronia

Blooms, Blooms, Beautiful Blooms

Oh I wish you could smell these!

Or walk through the aisles and just listen to the birds chirp and the bees hum as they flit from place to place enjoying all the blossoms.

Watching that big, mean Rottweiler stop and smell the flowers is a real treat too.  Although, I couldn’t get a really good picture of him this year!  It’s just too funny watching him stop and sniff.  

Right now when they are so pretty you can overlook all the grass that is trying to grow under the plants and just enjoy the beautiful miracle that is happening turning those tiny little plants we planted 10 years ago into the beautiful floral beauties and then  a super nutritional berry right before our eyes.   Isn’t the power of nature magical!

It’s a War Zone!

Saturday was a warm, almost Spring day in Central Iowa.  So what did we do?  Head out to the fields!

Last year our very first Aronia field yielded very little fruit.  It was originally planted almost 10 years ago.  Woody decided it was time for a pruning.  You see, Aronia Melanocarpa is native to the area and is very hardy perennial shrub.   Our son, Kendall, cut back the nearly 200 bushes from over 6′ to about 6-10″ inches.   We expect them to send up straight new shoots this spring.  They won’t have fruit, but they will be preparing for another several years of production.

Now we just have to clean up all those branches we cut off and raked to the aisles.  Meanwhile, it looks kind of like a war zone!