Making a Switch and Stepping Up!

My brain is fried!  I have been doing some of this blogging stuff for quite a while and it always blows me away every time I make changes or begin something new.    But as I think back, I’ve got itwhipped.  After all for someone who began typing on a manual typewriter, transitioned to an electric, made copies with carbon paper and onion skins, was thrilled typewriters had a correction key, saw the advent of CPTs where you could preview what you typed on the screen and put it on a huge floppy disk to make changes before printing, marveled at the ease of a fax machine,  was fascinated with a flash drive, learned to use a desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone, couldn’t believe I could make friends online and talk to them for free in Australia and England via Skype, hey, I got this!

As my husband so aptly says at the tender age of 81, “If you don’t learn and change, you die.”  He’s currently Googling things and talking to me over my shoulder while I import and export from one blog to another.  Ah the marvels of technology that have taken over our lives.

So as we begin a new phase of blogging and educating about the wonderful health benefits about Aronia Berries, bear with me as I get frustrated, make things way too hard, or just get tired:)

So as fried as my brain is, I had to share one final thing…if a service duck can go shopping in the mall during the Christmas season.  I can surely waddle through this!