Whew! Settling in the Deep Freeze

What a better way to spend a frigid afternoon than catching up on a few things…  It’s good Aronia Berries need a cold season.  We’re sure getting it now!

After a long fall and exciting preparation for the holidays, things are finally settling down a bit and I can once again re-focus.  We’ve been busy making White Chocolate Aronia Fudge, Strawberry Aronia Fruit Spread all fall.  We hope those who received some as Christmas gifts thoroughly enjoyed theirs!  We’re always looking for new ways to use Aronia and trying to expand our market, and acquaint folks with the powerful purple berries! IMG_0003

We even spent a little time away from the farm in southwest Florida for the holidays with family and shared information about Aronia with folks at farmers’ markets there!  It was fun, they were sharing information about a fruit juice full of anti-oxidants and how good anti-oxidants were for you.  We told them we knew a little something about that!  Because Aronia is a “super food” with their high ORAC score.