Harvest 2024

2024 was an interesting year for the Aronia Harvest at our farm.

Harvesting machines and crews we have used in the past were not available. We have attempted to harvest berries by hand but with 5,000 bushes, it’s not feasible for us.

So…Kendall, our son, has worked with a life-long friend on a farm and vineyard. They had the “Old Braud” we hoped and prayed might do the job. The machine is a 1985 grape harvester that has been lovingly maintained to harvest grapes. At two years younger than Kendall, it was either try to use the “Old Braud” or we were S.O.L. So on a beautiful Saturday in early September we gave it a whirl. Nothing broke down, success!

We were disappointed with the total harvest, and are realizing the berries bushes are too tall and probably too old to produce a good crop. We planted our first bushes in 2008 and continued planting through 2012. It may be time for some severe pruning.

Researched Aronia Lately?

Every now and then I search for new health benefits about the little purple superfood we grow. Aronia berries are getting more attention for their high antioxidant content. We have seen and heard some of these with folks who use our berries. I always encourage folks to do their research too. This is some of what I found recently:

May benefit heart health

A 2021 review of studies showed that 6 to 8 weeks of daily aronia berry supplements significantly reduced blood cholesterol and systolic blood pressure. The effects were even more pronounced in subjects who were over 50.

Aronia Berries (Chokeberries): Nutrition, Benefits

Studies have shown that Aronia berries have the strongest potential of reducing cancer risk. The antioxidants present in the berry, especially anthocyanins, help stop colon cancer cells from proliferating and growing, thereby reducing their growth by up to 60 percent.

Health Benefits of Aronia Berries

Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals damage cells in the body, which can lead to lower immunity and other health problems. Aronia berries contain even more antioxidants than blueberries, which mean they pack a healthier punch. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-aronia-berries

8 Health Benefits of Aronia Berries

  1. Reduce Risk of Cancer
  2. Increase. Heart Health
  3. Fights Diabetes
  4. Antioxidant Rich
  5. Support Organ Health
  6. Combats High Blood Pressure
  7. Boost Immune System
  8. High in Nutrients


It’s this deep purple, almost black, that helps Aronia Berries score so high in antioxidant content.

Where do you find Aronia?

We have frozen berries, supply them to central Iowa stores, and offer several nutritious products. Find them by contacting Peggy@MyAroniaBerry.com or shop at MyAroniaBerry.com

The Healthiest Berry You’ve Never Heard of

Let me explain…very few people have heard of an Aronia Berry. I encourage you to do your research after seeing this. You’ll find they’re the healthiest berry you’ve never heard of! Aronia Berries are twice as high in antioxidants than blueberries, higher in fact than grandma’s Elderberries!

If you scroll through our site, you’ll see lots of reasons folks would want to consume Aronia berries every day. We do. Why? For example recently two people I spend time with came down with COVID. I didn’t ever get it. I haven’t had the flu in years. My allergies make me prone to sinus infections which I used to get twice a year like clockwork, haven’t had one in a couple years. We don’t get the grandkids’ crud:).

My husband, who is 87, goes to the doctor, they want to know how he looks so good and is doing so much. He has three doctors now who have purchased berries and believe in them.

Why should you try Aronia?

We have folks who use our Aronia products to help with high cholesterol, Chron’s, IBS, regulate blood sugar, promote regularity, and more than a few who “just feel better”.

Don’t take our word for it, if you’re serious about feeling better without all the pills, visit MyAroniaBerry.com and give Aronia a try. Why else would someone eat something called a “chokeberry”? They’ve were used by native Americans for their medicinal value. Granted, they aren’t as sweet as a blueberry, but you can handle 14-18 per day to get the antioxidant boost you need daily.

Freeze dried Aronia berries (or the frozen berries) are great tossed in trail mix, fudge (see the recipe), yogurt, overnight oats, cereals, meatballs, chili, soups and in salads.

We have some who call the Immune Syrup “Magic Juice”. Teachers especially love the stuff. They don’t succumb to the little germ factories they are in touch with with on a daily basis.

Aronia powder is awesome in energy drinks, lemonade, coffee, water, orange juice, soups and smoothies. Aronia powder is ground so fine, I like it in a carrier oil on my skin instead of an expensive lotion. It’s full of vitamin C, E, and resveratrol. You will find our Aronia powder more expensive than some. Why? You’re getting the full berry and all the nutritional value, not just the leftovers after juicing. We also take great care with a unique process that doesn’t heat up the berries when grinding. Again, preserving all the nutritional value!

If you’re a smoothie lover, you owe it to yourself to give Aronia berries a try. Use a protein? Try our A2 Immune Builder, it’s got the power of Aronia and the protein of A2 goat whey. It’s done amazing things for so many. Everything from building up weightlifters and grandma’s muscles, to calming stomach issues, and even helping eliminate age spots in some folks. We think it’s about as close to mother’s milk as possible. Helping with so many different facets of health.


Interested in giving Aronia a try? Head on over to MyAroniaBerry.com to find yours. We look forward to sending some your way!

Aronia Continues to Amaze

Recently we shipped berries to Florida and California, sent berries to New Jersey to an organic juice bar, restocked our local stores, sold berries to a farmer hoping to help a pig’s inflammation prior to their County Fair, and learned a mid-wife recommends Aronia to her patients to help with varicose veins!

I’ve been reaching out to new outlets who may have an interest in our healthy, high antioxidant berries. If you know of anyone interested, please encourage them to reach out to Peggy@MyAroniaBerry.com.

Beautiful Berries

Each bloom will become a berry. Fields are loaded with beautiful, fragrant blooms.

Fragrant Spring!

Spring is a beautiful time at our house. We can see fields full of blossoms in three directions. We love watching the bushes awake from their deep woodsy branches to the maroon looking buds, then the pop of the buds, leaves emerging leaving a green cast on the fields, and finally the flowers.

Early to mid-May is when the fields burst into color. If we get a heavy wind, like we have lately, it looks like it’s snowing tiny white petals. The petals fall off and all that is left is the forming berry. It’s amazing to watch the transformation.

It’s time to feed the plants again. This week we used the “fragrant cocktail” to feed the plants. We use an organic foliar spray made of fish emulsion and seaweed to give the plants a quick boost of nitrogen. The bushes love the nutrients, the family, not so much. Our middle granddaughter thinks it makes her gag! Honestly it smells like a nasty fish tank and parmesan cheese. When we spray, sprayer, mower and applicator all get washed! It’s a process we repeat every couple weeks from the time leaves begin appearing. We feed them to help get the best berries.

Organic Fertilization

Excited To Share MyAroniaBerry.com

After months of struggling to figure things out, I am finally ready to share our latest project with you. MyAroniaBerry.com is our companion site where you will be able to purchase Aronia items. Sign up for Aronia 101, where you can learn all about Aronia. Find out about the health benefits, and how to use Aronia. We’re also beginning to post on our new You Tube channel Fogle Family Farm. The granddaughters and I will be showing you how to use our Aronia products.

The high antioxidant benefits of Aronia are highly sought after by those who have done research into using food as medicine. Nature knows best! We want to help you feel better.

One of the products at MyAroniaBerry.com is the Aronia/Chocolate Immune Builder. The A2 Goat Whey and Aronia Berry combination is a powerhouse. I have had friends take this on a motorcycle trip with her because it makes such a difference for her! The Immune Builder is a non-synthetic, non-pharmacological, non-steroidal, naturally produced protein concentrate proven to increase intracellular glutathione. It is a great choice for people with an under-active or poor-performing immune system. Benefits are very real with folks who have:

  • Chronic Fatique Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Type II Diabetes Mellitus
  • Hepatitis
  • HIV with wasting
  • Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Cancer
  • Myocardial Ischemia
  • Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

In addition, folks looking to add muscle have had extremely positive results with the Immune Builder.

AntioxidanT Aronia Uses

“What do you do with those berries of yours?” This is one of the most frequently asked questions we get. So when we had an opportunity to participate in the Warren County Farm Bureau’s first ever farm-to-table event in Hartford, we participated.

The meal preparation was for 300 and I’m not sure, but I bet those numbers were surpassed! We had offered Aronia juice to be mixed in with lemonade. Aronia lemonade is one of the most common (and easiest) ways we use Aronia berries. How do you make it? We have squeezed the raw berries with a garlic press and added them to the lemonade, we have run some through the Vitamix and added them to lemonade, we have added powdered Aronia, and we have used the juice we make with our steam juicer and can. All are very good and viable methods. When we use the juice, we add about. 2-3 ounces to a 2-quart pitcher of homemade lemonade.

If you’d like to see how it’s done…visit us on You Tube at Fogle Family Farm.

Woody’s Homemade Lemonade:

Juice of 2 large lemons or 3 smaller ones.

1-1/2 cups of sugar

2 quarts of cold water

Add your Aronia to taste (2-3 oz per pitcher)

It’s a very refreshing, unique way to have lemonade!

We’d talked about doing a couple of other items and decided on a dessert to offer. Because of numbers and warm temperatures, this didn’t get used last night. I was prepared to make it for 300 so you know it’s super simple. It’s a rich, refreshing way to introduce Aronia!

Strawberry Aronia Layered Dessert

Strawberry-Aronia Layered Dessert

For Cookie Crust: 

36 golden sandwich cookies 

1/2 cup butter,  melted 

Process cookies in a food processor to make fine crumbs.  In a bowl, melt butter & stir in cookie crumbs until evenly moistened.  Press into bottom of 9×13” pan.  Set in freezer to firm while making the next layer. 

Aronia Cheesecake Layer: 

1 1/2 cups chopped Aronia Berries

1/2 cup butter

1 cup powdered sugar

8 oz softened cream cheese

1 1/4 cups whipped cream 

Put Aronia berries in food processor (can be frozen) and pulse a few times quickly, doesn’t have to be fine.  Cream together butter, powdered sugar and cream cheese.  Add whipped cream to the cheesecake mixture and combine.  Fold in the chopped berries.  Spread mixture over the chilled crust.  Refrigerate.

Strawberry Gelatin Layer: 

3 oz package strawberry gelatin

1/2 cup boiling water

1 cup strawberry Greek yogurt

4 cups whipped cream

In a large bowl, combine gelatin and boiling water; stir to dissolve.  Cool to room temperature.  Whisk in yogurt until combined with gelatin.  Add whipped cream and mix until evenly combined.  Pour mixture over cream cheese layer, smoothing the top.  Refrigerate 2-3 hours until set. 

Top Layer:

Top with whipped cream and a berry.  

If you’d like to try these and aren’t close to the local Fareways or Gateway Markets we serve, contact us at MyAroniaBerry.com and we can get berries to you.


We love it when we hear “It Works!” Let me tell you about a friend of mine who was given a little bit of this Elderberry/Aronia Immune Syrup as a gift. Her husband thought he was coming down with a cold. She remembered this and gave it to him. Next day, he was better!

Her son-in-law was coming down with something right before they were leaving on vacation. He took a dose of the Elderberry/Aronia Immune Syrup and didn’t miss a beat on vacation.

These are but two examples of folks who have given Mother Nature a chance to help their bodies heal.

I slip folks a little bottle for them to try if they’re getting sick. Before you know it, they’re telling others they didn’t get sick. Folks who want to stay well are using the Elderberry/Aronia Immune Syrup to maintain health, because it flat out works!

Our granddaughter was recently riding a bike and took a fall. She skinned her tummy and came to me for some of that “stuff”. Her Dad put some antibiotic ointment on her tummy. The next day she wanted some of that “Grandma’s Stuff” on her tummy abrasion. “It works better.” It can’t get more honest than a 5 year old testimonial.

I had used the Elder Farms Herbal Releaf Salve with CBD on another skinned up spot a week or so before the bike accident. So this is the “Grandma Stuff” that took the pain away and helped her tummy heal.

There are so many ways we use the Elder Farms Releaf Salve: insect bites, scrapes, sore muscles, minor cuts, and rash relief.

Visit us, contact us, or go to MyAroniaBerry.com to order yours. It Works!

Anthocyanins AND ARONIA

What Are Anthocyanins?

These are compounds naturally found in red, blue, and purple foods. They possess high levels of antioxidant activity and cause the dark colors in foods, flowers and plant material.

Why are Anthocyanins So Important?

Scientists have discovered about 300 different types of anthocyanins and research is proving the active role the compounds play in protecting cells, healing the body, preventing disease and hindering premature aging.

Aronia Berries & Anthocyanins

If you’ve seen our berries for yourself, you know they are about as dark as can be. They are a dark, dark purple, almost black berry. Their color is indicative of their high antioxidant levels. You always hear how good blueberries are for you…wait until you see how Aronia berries compare to Blueberries! Check out the chart below:

Yes you read that right, Blueberries have about half the antioxidants as in Aronia. So why haven’t you heard about this? I’ve heard that question so often. The reason is the Aronia industry has had some tough bumps and has been slow to produce products with wide availability. Some of the hurdles are slowly but surely being overcome. We have collaborated with two different companies to bring high-quality Aronia products to the masses.

We are developing MyAroniaBerry.com as a source for high-quality, certified organic Aronia products.

One of the products we are so excited about is a 50/50 blend of our organic Aronia and Elder Farms’ certified organic Elderberry. The finished product is an amazingly good blend of these two anthocyanin rich fruits. The result is a powerhouse immune supporting product.

Exciting New Antioxidant Products

As COVID cases rise again and flu season begins, antioxidants and immune boosting should be a top priority.

We have been working with some great folks for a while and are proud to announce we are now carrying ElderFarms products. In addition, we are working hard to get more Aronia products labeled and brought to you as we work with another wonderful manufacturer.

The focus is on helping you get more antioxidants into your body in a way that will help you naturally prevent disease, ease pain, and help you recover.

We are debuting a few items this weekend with more to come soon at MyAroniaBerry.com

Woody and I babysit grandchildren and firmly believe in the power of purple! We create Aronia gummies for the kids, push Aronia/orange juice on them. We use the Elder Farms products we are now carrying as well as our own berries and juice. Last weekend, Woody developed a cold. Not so unusual given the time of year. Because of his age (85) we encouraged him to go to the doctor when he developed a fever. He didn’t want to share with me or the kids. Yes, he tested positive for COVID as I’m sure I would right now too. BUT, given his age and my weird sensitivities, we are doing very well. We can only attribute that to the prevention we have been doing all along. Yes we were vaccinated, but we also daily include Aronia and/or Elderberry/Aronia in our routine. Today, five days after he began having symptoms, he was outside walking around, doing some sightseeing and moving some stuff in the cab of the tractor. Honestly, the hardest part of COVID for us will be not seeing the girls.

Do yourself a favor – boost your immune system today!